Updated 7/23/2018: Tabacundo, Ecuador has made it to the Guinness Book of World Records by building the largest rose structure in the world.
Tabacundo, Ecuador is currently being evaluated by the Guinness World Records for the largest structure made out of flowers. Using 516,000 Ecuadorian roses, they created a floral arrangement of the fifth pyramid found in the Cochasquí Archaeological and Scientific Research Park.
On Saturday, July 14, 2018 located in the north corner of canton Pedro Moncayo, residents gathered to view the replica of the ancestral monument, as they patiently await the results of the evaluation which will be announced in eight days, on July 22, 2018. The flat-top pyramid arrangement has an area of 1,150 square meters that was fenced-in for photographers to capture aerial views as well as close-ups. “The pyramids in that park — also called ramp mounds or tolas — pre-date the Incan civilization,” NPR. Initially, they planned to use 250,000 roses; however, they received enormous support from 180 floriculturists from all over the country, according to El Comercio, a daily Ecuadorian newspaper in Quito.

The structure was built by 40 talented experts, to which the citizens of the canton joined voluntarily, including rose farm workers. The structure was set up two weeks ago, and the placement of the roses began on Tuesday from 6 a.m. to midnight. Over 100,000 roses were placed daily. A delegate from the Guinness World Records arrived on Saturday to evaluate the arrangement. (El Comercio)
According to Frank Gualsaqui, mayor of the canton, this is an opportunity to show the world where the rose capital of the world is located. “For us this is not a floral arrangement, it is a work of art,” he said. He also said that thanks to this project, the canton Pedro Moncayo has joined and the entire country will also. (El Comercio)

Currently, the world record for largest flower arrangement is held by the Dubai Miracle Garden in United Arab Emirates, which created a life-size sculpture of a Airbus A380 in 2016. That installation was also covered in more than half a million flowers, according to NPR.
Melisa Fuenmayor, our farm-direct sales representative in Quito, attended the historical event on Saturday and had the pleasure of seeing the Guinness World Records-hopeful in person. She drove 1.5-2 hours from Quito to show her pride for Ecuador as well as the flower industry.
“It was amazing,” said Fuenmayor, who was very impressed by the structure decorated entirely out of roses. She loved how vibrant and bright the historical replica looked, featuring many red, white and yellow roses.
The flat-top pyramid was quite sturdy as the flowers were attached and still hydrating using flower foam. “The winds were really strong on Saturday,” said Fuenmayor. “I was really nervous for the display, although everything held.”
According to Fuenmayor, this Word Record-attempt is opening the doors for Ecuador in the flower industry as well as tourism. “It’s significant to represent the area.” Even locals who aren’t involved in the flower industry volunteered on the pyramid out of pride for Ecuador.
Live with Melisa at the Tabacundo Rose Pyramid
Improvements to the structured were required in order to meet the standards in-accordance to the Guinness World Records. The official announcement should take place on July 22, 2018.
Updated 7/23/2018: Tabacundo, Ecuador has made it to the Guinness Book of World Records by building the largest rose structure in the world.
According to Telesur, “The Guinness World Records company confirmed the news after they verified that the structure had 546,364 roses. The judges took nearly an entire day to confirm that a natural-size replica of an Indigenous pyramid, was built by installing 546,364 roses, 94 percent of them being red and the rest included white, pink and yellow roses.”
MSN News Segment (English)
El Comercio News Segment (Español)
This content has been originally published by Diario EL COMERCIO at the following address:
http://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/tabacundo-libro-recordguinness-rosas-drones.html. If you are thinking of using it, please quote the source and link to the original note where you have taken this content from. ElComercio.com