Now available at Jet Fresh Flower Distributor, are the exquisite Garden and Garden Spray Roses from Red Land Roses.
Red Lands Roses
Red Land Roses is a distinguished Kenyan grower known for producing some of the highest quality roses, embodying the essence of haute couture. With around two hundred varieties, their roses are a true symbol of luxury and excellence.

What truly sets Red Land Roses apart is their commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship. Grown on over 35 hectares of previously non-arable land, these roses thrive on a 100% hydroponic system. Reflecting a perfect blend of nature and advanced technology. Their corporate responsibility extends not only to the environment but also to their people, aligning perfectly with Jet Fresh Flowers’ values.
Curated by Celine, the Jet Fresh – Garden Rose Expert
Our Garden Rose specialist and buyer, Celine Bray, has handpicked an unparalleled selection of Red Land Roses for our Wholesale customers. Below are some of the vibrant Rose Varieties available at Jet Fresh Flower Cash & Carry and Jet Fresh Flower Distributors.

JFTV New Product Spotlight: Red Land Roses
Watch Mike & Mimi showcase the Red Land Roses that we tested and instantly fell in love with in our latest fashion show highlight: JFTV New Product Spotlight: Red Land Roses.
How to Order Red Land Roses

To order wholesale Red Land Roses, contact Jet Fresh Flower Distributors. For U.S. or international sales, please call (305) 499-9144 or email
Learn more about Red Lands Roses in this NEW article on Thursd.