Jet Fresh Flowers is Now Growing Roses

Jet Fresh Flowers is Now Growing Roses

Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, Inc. is now growing Ecuadorian roses from our own rose farm.
Introducing Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A., established by Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, we are now growing and distributing premium-quality roses in Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Four years in the making, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. was initiated with the intention of supplying a greater inventory of quality roses to our customers worldwide.
“By managing production [at the farm], we’re able to supply a larger inventory of top rose varieties, as well make sure that the quality and freshness are always consistent and up to our standards,” said Flores. ​
On March 1, 2018, the wholesale flower importer, distributor, and now grower officially launched Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. at the new farm and shared the celebration with the 55 newest members of the Jet Fresh family.
The farm team was introduced to Michael Black, president of Jet Fresh Flower Distributors and Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A., with the huge help of our Ecuadorian team — especially Juanita and Carlos Coloma who manage the farm. They organized a fun, team-building experience with games, complimentary lunch and new Jet Fresh Flower t-shirts to wear for the event.
“It was a very emotional day,” said Black, who was extremely overwhelmed and moved by his team’s hard work, as well as meeting all of his new employees at once for the first time. “Everyone was so happy and full of laughter, especially during the team-building session,” he said. “It was a very proud moment to watch and it couldn’t have been done without the team.”
“It was awesome seeing everyone smiling and taking pictures with Mike,” said Maria Jose Flores of Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, Inc. in Quito. “They were so curious of him [Black], and everyone on the farm was so happy.” said Flores. 
The new farm team tested production in front of Black with the celebration of the very first rose bunch followed by the Jet Fresh-traditional champagne toast. It was an exciting moment for the team as they saw the new packaging designed by Ryan Black, marketing director, come to life for the very first time.
Led by the Jet Fresh Flower team in Quito, Ecuador, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. has already had the great advantage of working closely with local farms, gaining valuable insight to proper growing practices and vital education from enriching experiences.

Day 1 highlights

About the farm

The new rose farm is located in Cotopaxi, Ecuador, near Latacunga, in an area called Alaquez, 2,896 meters above sea level. Alongside it flows a river that is supplied by the natural melt which comes from the Cotopaxi Volcano, and nourishes the farm with fresh, cold water.
Ecuador is notorious for growing high-quality roses because of its ideal climate and altitude, which provides many rose benefits including large heads, thicker stems and luscious foliage.
“Roses grown at high altitude have a much longer growing cycle than those cultivated at sea level, up to 15 weeks as opposed to eight, so it is perfect for long-stemmed varieties with big heads,” said Ad van Rooijen, research and development manager at the Dutch floriculture multinational De Ruiter.
This 14-hectare farm currently has 6.3 ha. of roses planted and 2.8 ha. available for new production. In total, the farm plans to have 9 ha. in full production. The Cotopaxi farm is unique because it has its own microclimate, surrounded by hills and mountains, creating a quality environment that’s perfect for growing roses. ​Currently, they are growing 33 different rose varieties including Freedom, Explorer, Vendela, Versilia and more.
 With 55 farm employees currently on staff, the team altogether works in the greenhouses, post-harvest, administration office, as well as handles machinery. 
The farm is well-equipped with a reservoir, a large space for post-harvest, 11 greenhouses, a house for administration, a full-sized kitchen and dining area, locker dressing rooms, restrooms, storage spacing, and a soccer field — which the team played after lunch before the team-building exercises. 
One of the most interesting features of this farm is their plan to utilize an additional housing space that’s on the property for lodging/travel accommodation. As soon as the farm receives the full Jet Fresh makeover, the farm plans to host visitors who wish to visit. 
“It’s been a very special day,” said Melisa Fuenmayor of Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, in Quito, Ecuador. 
To make the Jet Fresh Flowers Growers, S.A. farm-launch in Cotopaxi, Ecuador an even more touching and unique experience, the entire team was also surprised that day by two adorable visitors: a solid black and solid white puppy. “They both just showed up on their own!” said Fuenmayor. 
The Jet Fresh Flower family has always been dog lovers, and with all this incredible farm land and facilities available, they have decided to also keep the dogs. They’ve named the black puppy “Whitey” and the white one “Blackey,” respectively.  
“It was all meant to be,” said Ryan Black, marketing director of Jet Fresh Flower Distributors. “This has been very exciting opportunity, and it’s great seeing everything come to life.”

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