Jet Fresh Flower Growers’ 2019 Kite Contest

On August 7, 2019, our rose farm, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. hosted our first 2019 Kite Contest. A summer Ecuadorian tradition, our team shared a fun team-building experience making and flying kites, competing for the titles of Highest Flight and the Most Creative.

Twenty teams were given about an hour and a half to design their own kite from scratch and make sure it flies in order to qualify for the prizes. They had various supplies to build their kites including pampas grass stems which were foraged from our farm.

A “Bando de Pueblo,” (town band), also came to motivate the teams and played while they made and flew the kites.

In August, Ecuador celebrates the month of the arts.

“During the month of August, the streets of Quito come alive with color, music, concerts, parades, cultural exhibitions and festivities in celebration of Quito’s Independence Day, August 10th.”

In celebration of the creativity that ignites this month in Ecuador, our team organized this summertime event giving our team a chance to be creative and have some fun working together.

As expected, it was the perfect windy day for flying kites at the farm. This time of year can be challenging for flower farms as they can experience damage in the greenhouses.

The plastic from the greenhouses tend to break due to strong winds. Our farm, on the other hand, is well protected from the harsh winds, surrounded by valleys and hills that help prevent this damage.

“While many people complain about the wind, we took full advantage of it,” said Juanita Coloma.

The winners of each category received cash prizes for their creative efforts and success flying their kites.

At the end, about four kites didn’t fly, which is very impressive given the amount of time they had to focus on design as well as the build. Take a closer look at all 20 kites.

Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments.

12 thoughts on “Jet Fresh Flower Growers’ 2019 Kite Contest

    • Ashley says:

      Hi Kathy! Thank you so much for your interest in wholesale flowers. A member of our sales team will be in touch with you by email.

      Have a great day!


    • Ashley says:

      Hello Franchely!

      Thank you so much for your interest in our wholesale flowers.

      A member of our sales team will be in touch with you by email.

      Warm regards,


  1. N.Kajendran says:

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    • Ashley says:

      Hello N. Kajendran, thank you very much for your interest in our flowers. A sales representative will be contacting you via the email you have provided. Thank you!

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