Mayra’s Rose Series Garden Roses and Bellalinda Spray Roses from Continental Breeding In spirit of wedding season, Jet Fresh Flower Distributors is bringing you a closer look at the incredible Mayra’s Rose Series Garden Roses and Bellalinda Spray Roses from our friends at Continental Breeding in Ecuador. Available at Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, these uniquely ruffled […]
AFIF: America’s Flower Connection Presents the Miami Flower Experience AFIF: America’s Flower Connection is presenting the Miami Flower Experience to bring together wholesalers, importers and hard good vendors at an exclusive two-day event in the heart of Miami. Hosted by Miami’s flower importers, the Miami Flower Experience will be held on May 31 and June […]
Alexandra Farms’ Garden Rose Design Contest Alexandra Farms want to see your best floral designs with their beautiful garden roses. Participate in Alexandra Farms’ Garden Rose Design Contest for a chance to win incredible prizes. Designers must submit their best “Everyday” floral design as well as a Wedding bouquet using garden roses. Enter any time […]
Jet Fresh Flowers is Now Growing Roses Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, Inc. is now growing Ecuadorian roses from our own rose farm. Introducing Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A., established by Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, we are now growing and distributing premium-quality roses in Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Four years in the making, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, […]
Jet Fresh Flowers Proudly Presents: Roses With Altitude 3,200 meters above sea level, located at the outskirts of the Cayambe village in Ecuador, lies the highest roses around. Roses With Altitude, inspired by Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, is a brand-new boutique farm growing premium-quality roses near the Cayambe volcano: Ecuador’s 3rd highest mountain and the […]
Jet Fresh Flower Distributors Celebrates Ten Years Of Non-Stop Service On January 18, 2018 Jet Fresh Flower Distributors, Inc. reached a new milestone when we celebrated our tenth anniversary as a family-owned and operated wholesale flower importer and distributor in Miami, Fla. Our team celebrated the decade-long success at our Miami office with a surprise […] has a new look! has received a new look and design makeover to commemorate all the exciting new updates happening at the Jet. Still under construction, the website is more user-friendly with interactive features to help with all your flower buying needs. With many ways to order, now you can easily discover all […]