Tag Archives: Jet Fresh Flower Growers

Jet Fresh Flower Growers Coronavirus Update

Flower farms around the world are taking a huge hit as flowers are going unused due the coronavirus. As a result, the industry is suffering greatly as events have been cancelled worldwide, and many businesses have seized production. Our boutique rose farm, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. in Cotopaxi, Ecuador is still maintaining itself with […]

Intrigue Designs x Jet Fresh Flowers Rose Tuturials

Intrigue Designs x Jet Fresh Flowers present fun design tutorials using fresh-cut roses from our boutique farm in Ecuador. These episodes of Intrigue Teaches by Sarah Campbell (Intrigue Designs) feature floral design tutorials ranging from large centerpieces to small floral arrangements using fresh-cut roses. Sarah made a variety of floral designs using various design tools […]

Jet Fresh Growers’ Second Annual Farm & Family Christmas Party

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The time where our team joins together celebrating the holiday season. Last Wednesday, our boutique rose farm, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. in Cotopaxi, Ecuador had their second annual Farm & Family Christmas Party where our team and their families got into the spirit of Christmas. The children […]

Jet Fresh Flower Growers Wins Ribbons at SAF 2019 Outstanding Varieties Competition

JFTV: JFFG PLACES AT 2019 SAF OVC THE WINNERS The Outstanding Varieties Competition has different floral categories which allow varieties a chance to shine in front of florists who may have never worked with these varieties before. Each category has a top Best in Show award with room for only one winner; followed by blue […]

Jet Fresh Flower Growers Participates in Mentes Brillantes 2019

Literacy in rural areas of Ecuador has remained a national concern for those aiming to improve Ecuador’s education system. Aeme Representaciones, Ecuaquímica and Syngenta support the Mentes Brillantes (Brilliant Minds) project to promote the education of children of floricultural workers, and improve access to resources in rural areas. Jet Fresh Flower Growers held their first Mentes Brillantes award ceremony […]

Farm Fresh Friday Summer Video Recap

Happy Farm Fresh Friday! In case you’ve been away this summer, we have a fresh recap of our latest episodes of JFTV featuring roses from our farm, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. Unboxed from Jet Fresh Flower Distributors in Miami, FL, we’ve demonstrated how our roses arrive directly from our farm. JFTV: Natural Rainbow Mix […]

Jet Fresh Flower Growers’ 2019 Kite Contest

On August 7, 2019, our rose farm, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. hosted our first 2019 Kite Contest. A summer Ecuadorian tradition, our team shared a fun team-building experience making and flying kites, competing for the titles of Highest Flight and the Most Creative. Twenty teams were given about an hour and a half to design […]

Jet Fresh Flower Growers Now Flor Ecuador Certified

Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. is now Flor Ecuador Certified. Established by Flor Ecuador and Expoflores, the certification determines the standards and requirements for producing fresh-cut flowers and foliage in Ecuador. A great achievement for our young rose farm in Cotopaxi, Ecuador, we received certification in the level supported by the European Union. “The European Union is focused […]

Farm Fresh Friday Ellie’s First Visit to Jet Fresh Growers

Farm Fresh Friday is back with another fresh update from our farm in Ecuador, Jet Fresh Flower Growers, S.A. A few weeks ago, Ellie and Fernando flew to Quito where Ellie experienced our farms for the first time. During their visit, they also made a visit to Rose Amor’s farm where they grow and produce quality […]